Dear Arad,

Do you remember our adventure on 1 September 2024 to the Stoaninger Alm in the beautiful Mühlviertel? It was one of those days that I’ll always treasure, and I hope you will too.

We started the day by packing our little car, and as we set off, the sun was shining bright—just the perfect kind of day for a trip to the mountains. The road took us through winding paths and sharp curves, the kind that make your tummy feel a bit funny, but we drove carefully, taking in the stunning views of Mühlviertel. The hills were green, the sky was blue, and everything felt just right. You sat beside me, watching the trees blur past, your eyes wide with curiosity.

After a bit of a drive, we finally arrived at Stoaninger Alm. You could see the excitement on your face as soon as we parked the car. But I knew you were a little bit nervous about what was coming next—our ride on the Sommerrodeln, the mountain coaster that twists and turns down the hillside. I remember you holding my hand tightly as we walked toward it, your eyes as big as saucers, a mix of thrill and worry swirling inside you.

But you know what? You were so brave. We climbed into the sled together, and as soon as we pushed off, the wind whipped through our hair, and we zoomed down the hill. I could feel your grip loosen as the sled picked up speed, and by the time we reached the bottom, all that nervousness had disappeared, replaced by the biggest grin on your face. You turned to me with those sparkling eyes of yours and said, “Again, Papa! Let’s do it again!” So we did. And the second ride was even better than the first. We laughed the whole way down, feeling like we were flying.

Afterward, we treated ourselves to some ice cream, sitting on a bench and watching other families take their turns on the rodeln. You picked your favorite flavor—chocolate, of course—and I had vanilla. The ice cream was cold and sweet, perfect for the warm day, and we savored every bite while chatting about how much fun we had.

As we drove back home, the sun was still in the middle of the sky. You were tired, but I could tell your mind was still racing with excitement from the day. The road was just as twisty as before and it take us about 50 minutes to reach home, but it didn’t seem as challenging on the way back. Maybe because we were both so content and happy with our day.

Arad, days like these are the ones I hold closest to my heart. I love going on adventures with you, seeing the world through your eyes, and sharing these special moments. I hope you’ll always remember our trip to the Stoaninger Alm, not just for the fun we had, but for the time we spent together. You’re growing up so fast, and I’m so proud of you for being brave and trying new things. I can’t wait for our next adventure.

With all my love,


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