Dear Arad,

I wanted to take a moment to write you a letter about our adventure to Pöstlingberg Märchenland (Grottenbahn). It was a day that I hope you’ll remember as fondly as I do, a day filled with excitement, a bit of nervousness, and a lot of fun.

It was Sunday, August 4th, and the weather was perfect for a little journey. We decided to hop into our trusty little car and drive up to Pöstlingberg. You know, that little car of ours may only have few horse power, but it made it up those steep, narrow roads like a champ! I was really proud of how well it handled those twists and turns. But most of all, I was proud of us for making it together, side by side, all the way to Märchenland.

Once we parked and got our tickets, we stood at the entrance of Märchenland, ready to embark on the dragon train ride. I remember you were a bit nervous, maybe even a little scared. You thought the train might speed off like a roller coaster, and I could see the worry in your eyes. But I promised you that this train was different—it was gentle and slow, made just for showing us the beauty of the handcrafted sculptures from all those old childhood stories.

And you were brave, Arad. After three rounds on that dragon train, which moved at just the right pace for us to soak in all the details, you relaxed and started enjoying the ride. We saw so many amazing things together—scenes from “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” “Hansel and Gretel,” “Rapunzel,” and so many more. It was like stepping into a magical world where our favorite stories came to life.

After the ride, we explored deeper into the underground, where even more of those stories were brought to life with incredible art and creativity. I could see the wonder in your eyes as we walked through, and it reminded me of the times when I was a kid, hearing those same stories and imagining what they might look like.

It was a good day, Arad. A day full of memories that we’ll keep with us. I’m so glad we got to share it together. Sometimes, it’s the simple moments, like riding a slow train through a storybook world, that make the best memories. And I hope, one day, when you’re older, you’ll look back on this day and smile, just like I do now.

With all my love,

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